1.Reprogramming for all ford vehicles
2.Reprogramming for all mazda vehicles
3.No password for all Honda key and smart key
4.for all toyota
Product Information:
AutoExpert 400< Software Version:
Product Information:
AutoExpert 400< Software Version:
Product Information:
AutoExpert 400< Software Version:
1.AutoExpert 400< software version for Ford: IDS R70
2.AutoExpert 400< software version for Honda:V2.021.008
3.AutoExpert 400< software version for Toyota:V5.00.028
AutoExpert 400 supports 29 language
1. Spanish | 2. Slovenia | 3. English | 4. Greece |
5. German | 6. Danmark | 7. Czechic | 8. Chinese(Taiwan) |
9. Chinese(China) | 10. AmerEnglish | 11. Vietnam | 12. Turkey |
13. Thailand | 14. Swedish | 15. Russian | 16. Portuguese |
17. PortugueseBrazil | 18. Poland | 19. Norwegian | 20. Holand |
21. Korea | 22. Japanese | 23. Italy | 24. Indian |
25. Hungary | 26. French | 27.FrenchCanada | 28. Finland |
29. SpanishMexico | | | |
AutoExpert 400 functions include :
Scantool Diagnostics
1.All ford and mazda vehicles(Include all functions of original VCM/IDS)
2.All Honda vehicles(Include all functions of original GNA 600 + Honda HDS+ FLY100 Full Version)
3.All Toyota vehicles(Include all functions of original Toyota TIS Techstream)
Vehicle Reprogramming
1.All ford and mazda vehicles(Include all functions of original VCM/IDS)
2.All Honda vehicles(Include all functions of original GNA 600 + Honda HDS+ FLY100 Full Version)
3.All Toyota vehicles(Include all functions of original Toyota TIS Techstream)
2.All Honda vehicles(Include all functions of original GNA 600 + Honda HDS+ FLY100 Full Version)